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It’s Election Season at Penrose Academy!

Our fall 2019 student council was elected last Thursday in assembly! Student council is a peer-elected council that helps organize dress up days, Wander + Wonder, Phoenix Children’s Hospital fundraisers, and our PCH adopt a family in December.

Candidates get on stage in front of the entire student body and faculty to state why they would like to be a part of student council. Some students tell stories of their regret of not running for student council when they were in high school for fear of failure. While other students tell stories of the hurdles and adversity they overcame to get to Penrose, and how they want to experience everything we have to offer.

Elections are always a great reminder on why we are huge on culture and treating everyone with respect. The students that got on stage were prime examples of the love and kindness we want to spread to everyone that walks into the building.

Thank you to all the students who participated! It takes a huge amount of courage to stand in front of your peers, ask for their votes, and tell your story!

After all votes were tallied, President and Founder Jill Kohler announced the winners:

Cosmetology Students:
Aubrey D.
Believe E.
Phelan B.

Esthetics Students:
JuliAnn L.
Carson G.
Elle V.
